Tuesday, December 2, 2008

No more

"How blessed is he who transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered! How blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit is no deceit!"
Psalm 32:1

It is amazing the difference these past (almost) 14 months have made. Before this depression started I had already read the Bible twice through. However, in recent months I have started to read verses like I had never seen them before. The above verse is a great example. Have you read this verse? Do you recognize what it says? Have you been thunderstruck by the absolute wonder that is this declaration? Look at it! If you are in Christ, your sin is covered!

Now that doesn't mean that as Christians we don't sin. In fact, if you claim that you do not sin, you are not a Christian (1 John 1:8). But the very next verse in 1 John says, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." We have forgiveness. We have covering of sin. "There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1) No condemnation. None.

I must be very careful here. I do not want to give false hope for false converts. Read through 1 John if you doubt your salvation. The letter was written for the sole purpose of letting people know whether or not they are really saved (1 John 5:13). The Bible exhorts us to test ourselves (2 Corinthians 13:5). If you fail the test of salvation, then that psalm does not apply to you and you should be very afraid. Fall to your knees immediately and cry out for salvation. Read the first three and a half chapters of Romans so that you may see the full reality of your wretched state. I don't say these things out of self-righteousness or hate. I say these things for your salvation.

But if you are saved, you have no excuse for not feeling the greatest of joy. Keep in mind my earlier posts: I am no stranger to the terrible reality of spiritual depression, so I am speaking out of experience. If you cannot feel this joy, meditate on Psalm 32. You bear your sin no more. No more. You must realize this; it is the key to all Christian joy. Read Luke 7:36-47. Read the first five chapters of Romans. Do you realize that Paul begins his great treatise on the gospel by spending the first two and a half chapters explaining what a horrible sinner you are? But after bringing you to your knees and ripping every last shred of self-esteem and hope in self-righteousness from you, he explains the gospel and then quotes Psalm 32:1.

If this reality has not struck you, if you have not come to the realization how wicked and vile and abominable you were before God in your unconverted state, stop everything you are doing in your life and meditate on the word of God until you come face to face with the vileness of your self without the merit of Christ. But despite the horrid nature of your sins, Christ's blood covers them all. God "will not remember your sins." (Isaiah 43:25) They are gone forever. Rejoice! I can't stress it enough. This is the key of all Christian joy. You bear your sins no more. When God looks at you He sees the merit of Christ. Your sins are gone. They are paid for by the precious blood of Christ. You bear your sins no more.

For Christ,